Reason 1: to create a valuable resource that provides information and inspiration to help people live their best lives intentionally.
I have never really thought of myself as a writer, though I was told throughout school and college that it was one of my strengths. Though it was time consuming, I actually liked research projects in high school and college and felt I did well summarizing the information I found on a certain topic.
As an occupational therapist, health and wellness has always been a point of interest for me. I learned about physical and mental health in school, and now take continuing education courses each year related to some aspect of health.
After graduating from college, this funny thing called “life” happened, and consequently, time to find and read through research articles was replaced with things like work, laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, and making dinner. I’ve found that outside of college, real, scholarly research journals and articles are difficult to access quickly, and some are hard to understand. Many of us now “research” something by reading the first article that pops up after a Google search, and occasionally we may hear results from a random study that is broadcast on the news. I know there is SO much information out there that is relevant to our lives that needs to be more accessible and shareable.
I feel that with my education, work and life experiences, inclination toward research, and writing ability, that compiling health and wellness information from research articles in an easy-to-read way would be a great niche for me. This brings me to the first reason that I decided to start a blog. I’d love to create a valuable resource that provides information and inspiration to help people (of all ages and abilities) live their best lives intentionally.

Reason 2: to make money.
I started thinking about blogging sometime in 2015. I asked some blogging friends about it and did a tiny amount of research on blogs, but there the idea sat and brewed. I was working full time at that point. I returned to work part time after having our first baby in April 2017, and currently still work two days a week.
In 2017 my husband also made the move from working his landscaping business as a side-gig to going out on his own full time. While his business is doing quite well for just starting, the start-up costs for his business and substantial drop in my income has dwindled our savings. I absolutely LOVE being able to spend 5 days a week with our son Gabe, and love that my husband can flex his schedule to watch Gabe for one of the days I’m at work.
Family time is so important to us. Making money is a necessity. I stumbled upon two successful money-making blogs that brought my 2015 blogging thought back into the forefront of my mind. I researched more on money-making blogs and I took a course that gave me the confidence to start my own. Blogs CAN make money, and my goal is that my blog would bring in enough money to support my family and allow us to spend more time on things that are important to us.
Reason 3: to keep myself accountable with my own goals and dreams.
I know that when I write things down, they are more likely to happen. I know that if I tell others about my goals, I’m more likely to work on them. I know that if I talk about my goals on an online blog where potentially other people will read them, it’s going to give me even more accountability to follow through. Follow-through is hard. I have to make changes in my life in order to make time for my goals. I have to give up something in order to make time for my goals. Making changes in my life is hard, and sacrificing time from one activity to give to another is hard. Did I mention that it’s hard?
Sometimes working toward a goal is scary because it’s new, it’s different, and you’re not quite sure what it will look like when you reach it. I don’t want to let my excuses win anymore. I’ve heard this said a few different ways, but here’s my version:
If you want to become a certain person, you have to start doing what that person would do.
Profound, I know. If you want to become a runner, you have to start doing things that a runner does. If you want to be more giving, you’re going to have to start doing things that a giving person would do. It makes so much sense, yet time and time again we let things prevent us from the “doing” that needs to happen.
Basically, my blog comes with free built-in accountability that’s going to help me be more intentional with my time, and ultimately, with my life. I’m glad about this, but I’m also terrified. Accountability is hard, but necessary for forward movement.
So, what are my current goals that I’m working toward? I’m glad you asked.
- I’d like to create a successful money-making blog.
- We’d like to write our own music (my husband and I have talked about this for years).
- It may be crazy, but I’ve always had the goal of buying a house in cash.
To sum it all up, I’m writing a blog for three main reasons. First, I’d love my blog to be a valuable resource that helps people live life with intention. Second, I’m blogging with the intention of making money. Finally, I know blogging will help keep me moving forward with my goals.
Comment below, I’d love to hear from you!
- What topics would you like to see more research on, above and beyond what you can find through a Google search?
- Do you blog, or have you thought about it? Why do you blog?
- What are some of your life goals?